
Schedule image


Our schedules module brings your work scheduling to next level by completely automating scheduling process through all departments, no matter if it’s full time or shift work.

Just predefine every department needs (employees needed every day, working hours etc), let employees self-service their unavailable days for next month and let the system do all the job with just a few clicks!

Ezuro also allows your employees to self-service shift switches with each other without disturbing the administration.

Processes image


Structure and overview all your business operations with Ezuro processes module.

Easy to see all business processes linked step-by-step in a graphical way. Overview the big picture from above by seeing how your structural units and employees cooperate.

Simple to define, edit, add descriptions and define roles so that everyone is on the same track.

Statistics image


Keep up with the newest data of your company's key performance indicators.

With Ezuro statistics you can define goals and see how your business is doing in realtime. You can see data for each structural unit and timeframe of your interest.

Employees image


Access all the contact information of your employees and business partners from one system.

Filter by job position or other characteristics and find anyone with ease. You won't have to deal with various spreadsheets and keeping them all updated - Ezuro will do it all for you!

Car park image

Car park

Manage everything regarding your company's vehicles. Fuel consumption, traffic records, availability, reports and more.

You can customize this module according your particular needs.

Get Started

We offer you 30 day trial version that includes all Ezuro functionality as in Premium package. Try for free and see how your business can benefit from using Ezuro.

Just fill in your details and you are good to go!